Music All Around

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Little Bit of Something

With so many things going on some things get overlooked....

Frusciante left RHCP? Apparently he did a year ago. Was it just not told until now or did we just no longer care? (JohnFruscianteleaves)

Facebook Foul? The FTC has been asked to investigate the social sites actions... (mashable)

After stating he was going to do it... he did.... Man Marries Virtual Girlfriend (video)

Police arrest a kleptomanaic after finding over 2,000 articles (japan)

Mother faces harsh criticism for tweeting after her son drowns (huffpost)

And finally.....

If you go to Cape Town you run the risk of robbery from something you would not expect...

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. I never would have known half of this. Thanks



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