Film Noir World is a one man production from Nottingham, England. His music is reminicent of old school beautiful soundtracks. First up is a track from his newest release (out now!) titled, "Dark Earth." The second is from his first release, "It's Here." One could never know what you are going to get when you see referenced influences such as Tim Burton, Massive Attack, Portishead, Moloko, and Danny Elfman. This is definitely an artist to be on the watch for.

from "Dark Earth"
(Per Capita Records)

from "It's Here"
(Per Capita Records)

You can also find more FNW at MYSPACE.

Can't wait for the new release in 2010! "Tales Of The Lost Cat" will be the next in the series I hear;) This is crafty UK electro/experimental at it's finest. Thanks for the free download and album links!